Weekly curated blog articles to help you keep your competitive edge in accounting and finance.


How Brexit Will Impact Financial Reporting in the UK

On March 29, 2017, the British Parliament has given the European Union (EU) the notice that triggered Article 50. Dubbed as ‘Brexit,’ this is the...

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Effects of Brexit on the Accounting and Finance Industries

As the United Kingdom moves through Brexit and beyond, accounting professionals and other members of the financial industry in the country are faced...

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Everything You Need to Know about GDPR Regulations

On May 25, 2018, the European Union (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will supersede the UK Data Protection Act of 1998. This week, we...

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Three Tips to Help You Survive the Busy Tax Season

The tax season brings a lot of things for tax accountants – long nights in the office, rushing papers to meet the deadlines and a temporary hiatus...

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Compliance vs. Internal Audit: Which Does Your Organisation Need?

Both internal audit and compliance serve important control functions in any organisation. Together, these teams can significantly reduce the risk of...

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US Tax Reform 2018: What You Need to Know About the Trump Tax Plan

On December 22, 2017, US President Donald J. Trump signed into law the “Tax cuts and Jobs Act.” The Trump tax plan, passed by the US Congress, is set...

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