How Do You Foster Teamwork with a Work-From-Home Setup?

Posted by Jan Victor Valencia
Jul 08, 2020
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The global pandemic shifted our working arrangements in a more flexible way. Remote work is now expected to go on as we embark on the new normal journey. But how do you promote teamwork in your group that you don’t meet face-to-face?

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Setting up your workspace

Aside from having the right devices to work-from-home, make sure to allot a space at home where you can work with far fewer distractions. Keep it clean and organized as much as possible so you can perform your tasks efficiently. 

Sharing regular updates

Keep your communication lines open for any concerns the team may raise. Maintain daily, weekly or regular updates through virtual conferences such as Skype, Google Meet, Zoom, Hangouts, and the likes. 

Realigning goals

As a manager, it is a must to align and manage your expectations once changes have been implemented in the group. Create new metrics for employee productivity and share them with the team. 

Improving internal communications

Practicing transparency helps build a virtual workspace founded in trust. Maximize your internal communications by launching employee relations and people-engaging activities.

Providing steady support

Make sure you’re more available for your subordinates, especially that remote team may raise concerns since it is an unfamiliar territory. Provide upbeat mornings with ice-breakers, motivational words, and the like to keep the energy up for everyone. 


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