How to Nurture Thriving Relationships and Inspire Employees to Stay

Posted by Mary Joy Quiño
Jul 17, 2024
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Creating an environment where people feel genuinely excited to log in for work seems more challenging than ever, especially in our modern generation. As a leader, we have the responsibility to keep our team motivated and engaged. But how do we do this? Let me share some insights and practices that have worked wonders for us here in D&V Philippines. 

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Related: The Importance of Nurturing Your Internal Talent 


How to Nurture and Inspire Employees to Stay?

Personally, as a leader, the three strategies that I have found most effective in inspiring my team are: 


Establishing Clear Expectations 

Establishing and understanding expectations on both sides are keys to nurturing healthy relationships at work. I make sure to lay out the expectations of the organizations to my team but in return we also open up the floor for them to voice out their expectation. Doing this ensures everyone is on the same page. 


Being Available 

Being available to my team make a difference, since considering that most of us here in D&V Philippines are working remotely. It’s important that the team knows they have someone they can consult when they need to. 


Building Trust and Rapport 

Trust is the bedrock of any strong relationship, and it’s no different within a team. Personally, I also make sure that I’m part of team events and make an extra effort to reach out during tough times. It’s these small gestures that go a long way in building trust and rapport, showing to the team that they’re valued. 


My Leadership Philosophy 

I’ve always believed that to be an effective leader, you must cultivate a culture of personal accountability, continuous learning and respect. These principles guide how I build relationships within my team and with the organization. 


Importance of Maintaining Professional Boundaries 

While fostering a friendly, supportive team environment is our goal, it’s equally important to maintain professional boundaries. During work hours, I am fully present and engaged with my team.  


However, I avoid reaching out outside of office hours unless absolutely necessary. This approach helps maintain a healthy work-life balance for everyone, respecting everyone’s personal time outside of those hours. 


Read: 5 Reasons Why Young Professionals Want Work-Life Balance 


Overcoming Challenges 

Of course, throughout my career, I've faced numerous challenges in maintaining strong workplace relationships, from navigating different beliefs to addressing disappointments head-on. Addressing issues professionally, focusing on common goals, and having open conversations have been my go-to strategies for overcoming these challenges. 


For instance, resolving tensions between team members involves listening to everyone’s side and finding a solution that aligns with our goals. This approach not only resolves issues but strengthens our team. 


Tips to Keep the Team in the Organization 

To keep your team in the organization, you may consider these tips that our company is doing to retain employees: 


Fair Compensation 

  • Let’s be honest, inflation rates are too high nowadays, and no one wants to work for a company that does not fairly compensate their workers. As a leader, you have the responsibility to ensure competitive and fair compensation to your employees to make sure they will stay in the organization in the long run. 

Improved Company Culture  

  • Constantly seek ways to improve your company culture to make the employees stay. 

Accessible leadership team  

  • Make sure to have a point person per team that is easy to approach, always reachable, and willing to guide and listen. 

Recognizing and Rewarding Employees 

If you want to make your team stay in your organization, it is important to recognize and reward them whenever necessary. Here’s how I do it to my team:  


Personal Acknowledgement 

  • I make it a point to personally talk to employees about their achievements and specify what they did well. 


Treat them either Lunch or Dinner 

  • Whenever possible, I treat my team to lunch or dinner and spend time outside of work checking on them personally.  


The Bottom Line 

Nurturing and inspiring employees to stay is an ongoing process that requires dedication, empathy, and effective communication. By considering the listed strategies above, you can also create a workplace or an environment where everyone can thrive. At D&V Philippines, we understand the importance of nurturing talent, we are a business process outsourcing firm specializing in finance and accounting, we’ve seen firsthand the power of investing in our people’s development.   


You may schedule a free consultation with us today to know more about the various ways we support and nurture our employees, creating an environment that encourages career development and helps them to provide exceptional services to you. You may also download our whitepaper, Employees to Partners: How D&V Philippines Invests in its People, to find out more about our culture.  

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This article has been written in collaboration with Angelica Garcia, a content specialist at D&V Philippines 


Our Outsourcing: How to Make it Work guide explores how you can utilize accounting and finance outsourcing to drive growth to your business and add value to your processes.
