4 Ways to Save Money While Inflation is Rising

Posted by Angelica Garcia
Mar 29, 2023
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As inflation rises, the cost of living also increases. If you aren't careful, this can drain your savings and even cause financial problems. Although this may seem like a fact of life, there are still ways to save money while inflation is rising. 

pexels-karolina-grabowska-5900228 (1) (1)First, what is inflation? 

Inflation is the rising cost of goods and services over time. It's a natural part of the economy, which means it can be caused by a decline in the value of the currency. According to Forbes, the Reserve Bank of Australia or RBA aims to keep inflation within a range of 2% to 3%, but many factors can affect demand on certain goods and services, resulting in price hikes.

To protect your finances when inflation is rising, we’ll discuss four ways to save money during periods of high inflation. 

Reduce expenses 

One way to save money in a time of rising inflation is to reduce your expenses. Start by creating a budget that takes into account current inflation rates and prices.  Next, evaluate your spending by taking a look at your expenses line-by-line. Slim down categories where your spending is high, cut out any unnecessary purchases and consider finding cheaper alternatives instead. With some careful planning and targeted cuts, you can significantly reduce your overall expenses. 

Invest in inflation-resistant investments. 

Investing in stocks, bonds, gold and real estate can help you protect your money against inflation. These investments can often increase faster than inflation and provide greater value over time.  

  • Invest in stocks. Stocks are tied to companies, and the value of companies can grow or shrink depending on their performance. 
  • Invest in bonds. Investing in bonds will help you receive a guaranteed rate of return on your investment, so even if the value of the bond goes down due to inflation, you can still get a return on that investment. 
  • Invest in gold. If you have the money to invest in gold, this is a good time to do so. Golds are known for their resilience against inflation, which means that they can help protect your assets from rising prices as its value increases over time. 
  • Invest in real estate. Property prices tend to have a steady value so if you're looking for a way to make some extra cash on the side, consider buying some property now before it becomes too expensive later on. 

Note: Make sure to research and understand good long-term investments to fight rising inflation. 

RELATED: Financial Management Basics: How to Deal with Inflation 


Make use of interest-earning accounts  

Many people are looking for ways to protect their savings from the effects of the rising costs. One way that you can do this is by utilizing interest-earning accounts such as high-interest savings accounts and certificates of deposits (CDs).  

  1. What is a high-interest savings account? 
    - A high-interest savings account is a type of account in which you can deposit money and earn interest on it. Typically, the rate is usually higher than what you'd earn with a regular savings account. This can be particularly helpful to make savings more rewarding.
  2. What about a Certificate of Deposits (CD)? 
    - A Certificate of Deposit (CD) is a time deposit with a bank or other financial institution. Time deposits are basically any type of deposit that must be held by the bank for a set period. This is also an excellent way to save money for specific goals like emergency funds and education funds

These interest-earning accounts allow you to enjoy a return on your money over time - thus, reducing the effects of inflation on your savings and allowing you to save money at the same time. Be sure to research which accounts are available in your area and calculate how much interest you will receive so you can make sure that it is worthwhile.  

Make sure to track your finances 

Tracking your finances ensures you know how much money you have every month and how much money goes towards each expense. You can also consider setting up automated transfers that correspond to expenses, such as your rent or utility payments. This way, it's easier to budget and track where your money goes each month. Additionally, tracking your finances can help you build a financial cushion toward bigger expenses, so it won’t drain your budget too much when they come due. 

The Bottom line 

As inflation rises, your expenses will too—so you need to be ready. While it can be tempting to panic and make rash decisions, that's the exact opposite of what you need to do. Instead, be well prepared and analyze your business's numbers.  

Do you need help with your numbers or managing your business financesContact us today! to find out how we can help! You can also download our whitepaper, Outsourcing: How to Make it Work to give you an idea of how we can make finance and accounting easier for you. New call-to-action



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