How Can Financial Wealth Management Benefit your Company

Posted by Vheldan Armor Maranan
Apr 29, 2024
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Wealth management, simply put, is the process of managing one’s wealth. While it is a common practice for individuals whose assets and financial liquidity are extensive to take precautions to secure and diversify their wealth, what most don’t realize is that wealth management does not only apply to high economic individuals but for companies and entities with stakeholders as well. 



Read: Wealth Management and Financial Planning: Understanding The Difference 

Compared to wealth management for individuals -- which focuses on managing their finances in accordance with their lifestyle such as tax-effective investments, retirement preparations and the like -- wealth management for companies usually take the form of handling corporate finances with regard to risk management, compliance and planning for strategic growth and development. 

Wealth Management on a company scale allows you to use your finances in setting and achieving your company’s goals and objectives. 


Common Wealth Management Strategies for Companies 

At D&V Philippines, we help clients who provide wealth management services in providing extensive wealth management support for both individuals and companies who are looking to protect and manage the risks involved in their company’s finances and investments. Here are some of the ways we work closely with our clients to provide advice on how companies can manage their wealth.  


How Do We Do It? 

Risk Management 

We work very closely with our clients and the companies they provide services for to ensure highly tailored and personalized solutions suited to their goals. To make sure we are on the same page, we, along with our clients, meet companies to figure out their long-term objectives and how their finances play a part in making sure these objectives are met. 

During the planning stage we investigate the possible vulnerabilities that the company may have and create proactive measures to secure their finances in case of risk.  


Business Succession 

We then help create a strategy to protect companies from risk. One of our first recommendations is for a Business Succession Agreement to be made to ensure the orderly transfer of ownership in the event of the involuntary departure of one or more business owners and/or stakeholders.  
This succession is followed through with the needed financial paper trail which will ensure that funds are available and affordable for a departing owner (or estate) to receive fair value for their equity sale and allow the remaining owners to continue to operate the company.  

Business Debt and Expenses Protection 

Alongside continuity strategies such as business succession, we also provide business debt and business expenses protection planning services which is done through assigning a Key Person Insurance -- someone whose ability to work is likely to affect the continuation of the company or may result in a reduction in business revenue. This provides protection for the company through an injection of funds to cover business debts, additional costs or replace lost revenue. 
This kind of insurance arrangement protects the personal wealth accumulation of company owners and their families, so they don't have to sell assets to fund business operations. 


Investment Management 

One of the most common ways to increase the worth of your company is through portfolio building and looking into investment opportunities. A company that is fully liquid though it may seem like a wealthy company is actually susceptible to one of the most organic fiscal threats there is: inflation.  

By investing in your liquid assets and turning it into co-ownership opportunities, expansion efforts and other initiatives, you are ensuring that your company’s finances stay secure and that the value of your money continues to rise regardless of inflation.

Throughout all this, D&V Philippines prepares a comprehensive Statement of Advice which contains suggestions on how the company can strengthen its Risk Management, Business Succession and Debt and Expenses Protection efforts. This helps our clients’ wealth advisors present companies with strategies on how they can effectively manage their wealth, securing their business’ operations and longevity. 



The Bottomline 

Regardless of the size of your company, we believe that wealth management is important as it is not enough that you work towards continuously increasing your company revenue, you must also make sure that you sustain your company’s growth by leveraging the power of your finances. 


As we provide these services and more, we make sure that we work together with our clients to provide personal, professional and quality advice. We develop a deep understanding of their needs and goals and take into consideration the insights of their own professional advisers such as their in-house accounting team and stakeholders to make sure we are creating holistic wealth management strategies that is tailored to their needs. 

By constantly aligning ourselves with their goals, we ensure a coordinated outcome for companies, overall providing highly tailored wealth management and financial planning solutions that successfully drive growth.  


Read Next: How Offshore Accounting helps your Company's Wealth Management  


Need help with your Company’s Wealth Management Efforts? 

If you need a professional services firm that can provide you with tailored wealth management solutions to help drive your company to success, look no further than D&V Philippines. We are a professional services firm who will help you find the right people for your business. Contact us!   

Read our whitepaper, Your Talent Sourcing Partner, to find out how D&V Philippines, a trusted finance and accounting outsourcing experts has helped companies all over the world in leveraging their finances to achieve their goals.  

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This article has been written in collaboration with Aly Tagamolila, a content specialist at D&V Philippines. 




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