Weekly curated blog articles to help you keep your competitive edge in accounting and finance.


7 Tips on How to Manage a Remote Team Effectively

Going all-in with a remote work setup can be a practical choice for firms. However, managing remote employees is not as simple as it sounds. To keep...

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Key Differences Between Employee vs Independent Contractor vs Outsourcing

For employers in Australia, knowing the distinction between an employee and an independent contractor is crucial for making informed hiring decisions...

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How to Find and Choose the Right Accountant for Your Company

Accountants act as the stewards of an organisation’s cash flow. Along with their finance chief, they work to preserve a company’s financial health —...

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What are the 4 Types of Audit Reports and Opinions?

Audit is a crucial part of increasing your company's credibility — aside from letting you stay compliant with relevant accounting standards, it also...

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How Can You Manage the Risks of Offshore Outsourcing?

Outsourcing to offshore locations increases your capacity to run your firm, widens your access to qualified professionals outside geographical...

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How Much Tax Does a Small Business Pay in Australia?

The financial year 2023/2024 will end on 30 June 2024. If you prepare your clients' tax returns, find out below how much tax a small business pays in...

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