Understanding the General Functions of a Vice President

Posted by Vheldan Armor Maranan
May 31, 2024
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When it comes to the organizational structure of companies – particularly accounting outsourcing firms, the role of a Vice President holds significant importance as they help make sure that the company’s strategic goals are met, operational efficiency is maintained and avenues for improvement and growth are spearheaded. 

For companies in the finance and accounting outsourcing industry, the management is tasked with the unique position of overseeing not just the firm’s finances but their clients’ as well – for the Vice President of an outsourcing firm, the responsibility is much more than the norm.  

Read: People Management: How to Handle a Growing Workforce  

At D&V Philippines, we make sure that all aspects of the company are overseen by having 6 Vice Presidents head the different functions of our administrative and operational departments. While each handles specific core functions such as the legal team, human resources, operations and facilities, each Vice President is tasked with the overarching responsibilities outlined below.


General Functions of a Vice President 


Reporting to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) 

Our Vice Presidents are accountable in ensuring that they are up to date in all the comings and goings of their respective departments. With this, they regularly report to our Chief Executive Officer to create a culture of transparency as well as make sure that any decisions made by the leadership team is holistic – able to consider the state of all departments within the company and the responsibilities they handle.  


Strategic Leadership and Vision 

One of the primary roles of a vice president in D&V Philippines is to help set the company’s goals and the strategies to implement in order to achieve these goals. With this, their leadership efforts are angled towards strategic leadership and direction, keeping their teams’ efforts grounded and aligned with the goals. 

Strategic leadership efforts come in the form of identifying long-term vision and missions and developing goals and objectives to achieve those vision and missions, ensuring that all of these are properly communicated across the organization, consistent training and proactive mentorship that helps the employees gainfully contribute to company goals.   


Team Leadership and Development 

Aside from ensuring that their teams’ efforts are heading in the right direction, our Vice Presidents are also tasked with their team’s development. At D&V Philippines, we acknowledge that our talents are our greatest assets and make sure to invest in their growth and development. 
Our Vice Presidents take proactive measures to ensure that the necessary resources are always made available for employees to be able to grow both in their professional and personal lives. 


Operational Oversight 

Being one of the executives in the company, knowing what is going on within the company’s administrative and operations departments is one of their main accountabilities. With this, our Vice Presidents cultivate a culture of knowledge-sharing between themselves to make sure that they are constantly updated with the work that each department does. 
This practice also paves the way for an increased sense of ownership and accountability whenever departments or certain teams are required to work together on projects and initiatives as they know the scope of work each employee or team has.  


Growth-Driven Innovation and Decision Making 

Lastly, our Vice Presidents in D&V Philippines are seasoned professionals in the finance and accounting industry. Their background and experience help them be constantly on the lookout for areas of growth for the company. They are able to identify opportunities to help with the company’s success and are equipped with the necessary knowledge to make decisions in this aspect that will help the company.  
As we continue to grow, D&V Philippines places great trust in our Vice Presidents to help ensure that we continue to deliver quality finance and accounting solutions to our clients. Through their holistic contributions and valuable insights, our employees and the entire company are able to thrive today, delivering quality and tailored finance and accounting solutions to our clients all over the world. 


Read Next: How to Provide Quality Services for Australian Accounting Firms  


Need Help from Experienced Finance and Accounting Professionals

D&V Philippines provides scalable finance and accounting solutions that can adapt to any landscape. If you’re interested in learning more about our services, schedule a free consultation with us or download our Employees to Partners whitepaper to see how we value our talents! 


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This article has been written in collaboration with Aly Tagamolila, a content specialist at D&V Philippines. 





Our Outsourcing: How to Make it Work guide explores how you can utilize accounting and finance outsourcing to drive growth to your business and add value to your processes.
