D&V Philippines Joins “Brigada Eskwela” in Albay, Bicol

Posted by Angelique Ipanag
Jun 25, 2019
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On June 16, a team of accountants from D&V Philippines headed by Angelique Ipanag distributed school supplies to 208 students of Buhatan Elementary School (BES). This outreach activity was done as part of the program titled "Brigada and Balik Eskwela Outreach Program 2019.” The program was held as part of the school’s Brigada Eskwela program.

DV Phils team Charity Drive Albay

Brigada Eskwela or the National Schools Maintenance Week is an annual activity conducted by the Department of Education (DepEd). Every year in May, various groups are mobilized, including parents, teachers, civic groups, non-government organizations, and local businesses, to participate in efforts to prepare public school facilities for the resumption of classes in June.

To express their gratitude to D&V Philippines team, the teachers prepared a two-hour program. Students at BES prepared amazing dance numbers before the gifts were handed out to them.

Despite the summer heat, the students, parents, and teachers actively participated in the event. “The atmosphere was very welcoming and lively as the students lit up the stage with their cute and amazing dance numbers to thank us for the gifts that we have prepared for them,” Ipanag shared.

The teachers of BES, led by the School Head Ryan Bradecina, also helped the D&V team pack the school supplies a few days prior to the charity drive. 

“This was a precious moment not only to us but also for the kids and their parents who work hard for their education,” Ipanag said.

DV Philippines Outreach

DV Philippines charity drive

“In Barangay Buhatan, where the beneficiary school is located, the residents sometimes find it hard to make ends meet. Since the primary sources of income for the people of Rapu-Rapu are fishing and farming, their sources of living is highly affected whenever typhoons and bad weather visit the island. For this reason, we have chosen Buhatan Elementary School to be our beneficiary for the drive.”

Overall, Ipanag’s team was able to raise a total of P52,068 with the help of D&V Philippines and other donors. They used the fund to buy bags, notebooks, papers, pens, ball pens, crayons, bond papers, and art papers for 208 students.

“We hope to share more and help in every possible way that we can. We hope to inspire the younger generation to value education and strive hard in working for their dreams,” Ipanag said.

“We pray that someday they would be able to give back as well to the community through sharing. For this, we also hope that we will be able to spread happiness by sharing our blessings to less privileged fellows.”

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