5 New Year’s Resolutions to Promote Professional Development for Accountants

Posted by Mariecris Raymundo
Jan 15, 2019
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2019 is inescapable and I am pretty sure that some of you have already started with your personal resolutions – lose weight, exercise more, sleep early, stop smoking, save money, and so on. However, we forget that aside from our personal lives, we also have professional lives.

Accountant Personal and Professional Development

To get you motivated, we’ve put together some new year’s resolutions for accounting professionals or any other professionals:

1. Invest in professional development

Invest in yourself: get a training on the latest software, products, and practices that will enhance your personal and professional development. Maybe it’s also high time that you take a crash course on social media, public speaking course, basic journalism, etc. For CPAs, it’s important to keep abreast with seminars, courses, and events that offer CPD units for CPA professional development.

2. Embrace the digital world

In case you have no access yet to the internet world, then it’s time to let the world know that you exist. There’s no way that social media will die. It’s time to accept the fact that this is the reality. There are many opportunities waiting in the social media world – may it be on Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, or YouTube.

Create Linkedin Profile3. Create a LinkedIn profile

Don’t have one? It’s time to create your profile now as LinkedIn is increasingly becoming a powerful professional referral source. It is your digital resume; without it, you are missing out on potential clients, potential employers, and business opportunities.

Keep on updating your profile when you already have one. Upload a recent photo and update your professional experiences.

4. Habit of volunteerism

We all know that accounting work can be repetitive. So if your company is having activities that involve networking, attending conferences, having a seminar, then it’s time to put yourself on the list and step out of your comfort zone. Grab the opportunity while it’s there!

5. Make your break a productive one

Take time away from your desk, but sometimes not literally. Make your break productive by reading a book. Why not challenge yourself to read one whole book every quarter? Make sure to select ones that will make you reflect and inspire you on whatever path you’re on. Also, why not spend your weekend by booking a trip with your family or having some “me time” over the weekend for a refreshing start on Monday?

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