US Firm Resolved Talent Gaps Through Accounting Outsourcing

Discover how a US-based firm tackled the challenge of finding skilled employees by outsourcing their accounting and audit tasks.


Is it possible to use outsourcing to expand the capacity of your in-house accounting department while staying within the budget? 


For the case of a US-based accounting and audit firm, the answer is yes. 


During the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, the firm saw a surge in demand for their accounting services. However, they struggled to accept more clients and scale up due to a lack of qualified accountants onshore. 


Facing these challenges, the firm had to think outside the box. They couldn't just hire more people the usual way because at that time, the country was also facing a decline in accounting talents. So, they turned to offshore outsourcing and found D&V Philippines as a reliable accounting service provider.        


From 1 full-time employee in 2021, the firm’s accounting team at D&V Philippines has now grown to 6 full-time employees who function as an integral part and reliable extension of their onshore team. 


Get a copy of the case study today to discover how accounting outsourcing can fill in operational gaps.


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